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What can i do for each commission?

- Baiscly what I can do is divided into 4 parts

a. Character Design 
b. Standing Drawing of Character
c. Separate each part of body (Most time with Part b)
d. Rigging

*These four parts are independent, which means you can complete Part.a and Part.b by yourself or other artiest, then I will do Part.c and Part.d

Part.a: Character Design

We will communicate the basic information of the character, for example, the text description of gender, age, personality, hairstyle, body, etc. Please try to send me reference pictures to better understand your character. This step will take about 1-2 days.

Part.b: Standing Drawing

Based on the information we discuss in part a, I will draw a sketch of this character. You can put forward your comments so that I can modify it. When you are satisfied with the sketch, I will finish the standing drawing and proceed to part c


Part.c: Separate each part of body

This step is to split all the parts of drawing into separate layers. From beginning You need to tell me which parts you want to move 

This step takes about 2-3 days

Part.d: Rigging

Rigging is the core step and the most time-consuming step. This process may check for errors in part c, and even part b may be wrong. This needs to go back to the wrong step and revise it again. The general movements are as follows: open eyes; close eyes; move the XYZ axis of the head. The mouth opens and closes, the XYZ axis of the body move, the physical shaking of the hair, etc.

After the basic actions are completed, a demo will be exported to you. You can go to facerig or Vup to test whether the model meets your requirements. If there is a problem that does not meet the requirements, it will be modified free of charge. If additional conditions are added, a fee will be charged according to the situation


When everything is over, congratulations! You got an avatar!  You can become a Vtuber!!

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